Saturday, 16 October 2010

Fr. Anthony Saji VC

Prayer Tower
Mathildenstraße 15
D-85399 Hallbergmoos
Tel.: + 49 (0)811 8649   Fax: + 49 (0)811 9966877

Fr. Anthony Saji is a priest in the Indian Vincentian Congregation (VC). He was born in India on May 1st 1977 in a devout catholic family and was the first of four children. He felt called to be a priest since his childhood. But his vocational path was difficult - full of rejection and obstacles - but with God's help and blessings he fulfilled his desire.

In 1999 he began to study Philosophy in Bangalore, India and in 2002 he went over to the Vincentian Congregation's Mission in East Africa which was further developed by Fr. Joseph Bill. Fr. Anthony spent his pastoral year in Nairobi, Kenya and then continued studying theology at one of the most renowned universities in Africa - the 'Tangaza College' in Nairobi (CUEA). Students of more than 77 nationalities were studying there, which gave Fr. Anthony a wonderful opportunity to experience various cultures and traditions as a seminarian.

During his training in Nairobi he acquired practical experience in various aspects of spiritual welfare, preaching and spiritual direction. Together with his brother seminarians he presented three-day-long retreats for pupils. Fr. assisted parish priests by giving homilies on Sundays, taught catechism to children, did hospital ministries, and was responsible for both youth groups and prayer groups in many parishes and managed to find the time to help in the Vincentian Prayer House.

After his priestly ordination on December 29th 2006, his provincial first sent him to Uvinza, Tanzania, for two months to deputise for the local parish priest and then to Entebbe, Uganda, where Fr. Bill was his superior. Here he was not only the Finance Officer and Assistant Director of the Vincentian Prayer Centre in Entebbe, but he also had to build a new retreat and spiritual renewal centre in Masaka located 180 km away from Entebbe. Only one year later, on February 23, 2008 on Fr. Bill's 80th birthday Fr. Anthony blessed a beautiful house for priests, and in March 2009 the blessing of the new church followed on.

After the death of Fr. Bill in March 2008 his provincial appointed Fr. Anthony as successor to Fr. Bill to continue the worldwide movement of annual retreats where people from all walks of life are welcome. Since April 2008 Fr. Anthony has travelled all over the world every week giving six-day silent spiritual renewal and healing retreats, as well as popular missions and special youth retreats/programmes. The core aim of retreats is the gentle conversion of participants to God, to lead a life based on the Holy Sacraments and Holy Scripture, and to apply the ten commandments to modern-day living. Many retreatants genuinely testify that they have been transformed by the love of Jesus which they experienced through Fr. Anthony's teaching. They found lasting inner peace or the way back to confession after a long time of neglect. Some learned to forgive or to accept their illness, others found healing from their addictions or from psychological and physical illnesses.

Although Fr. Anthony is young, his life experience is extensive. He has experienced many different kinds of suffering during his life: poverty, hunger and hard work (at twelve years of age he had to support his family for five years), the illness of his mother and other big challenges. In spite of all that, Fr. Anthony naturally radiates the joy and love of Christ and illustrates how happy you can live with Jesus, already here on earth, and he would like the chance to share his life-changing experience of God's presence with other people too.


  1. Thank you to teach me how to live.

    Catarina Beja Simoes de Almeida

  2. it`s amazing that,although it had passed 3 mounths since we met at oradea,i still dream about you frequently! happened last night too...i always wake up so happy after such a dream!!thank you for everything!!still missing you,Ioana:)..hope you still remember me:)
